Awards Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus

– The Best Student on Graduation Ceremony period of August 1989, in Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta
– The Best Presenter on National seminar of Science & Technology application for people by Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education, RI. Bogor, October 7-11, 1996
– Scholarship to study in Japan (1993-1995) from Okazaki Foundation, Japan
– Scholarship to study in Japan (1999-2003) form JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation)-UGM
– Fellowship to study in Japan (1999) from JSPS (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) -DGHE (the Directorate General of Higher Education)
– Fellowship to study in Japan (1999) from IDB (Islamic Development Bank)
– 2nd prize Award on All Japan Thesis Contest 2003 by JICA-Monkabusho Japan
– UGM Award 2008 in Best Field Advisor for KKN PPM UGM (Student Community Services- Community Empowering Learning).
– Tokoh Profil Pendidik 2011 atas nama Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Sc. dari Fakultas Kehutanan UGM dalam Buku CITRA PRESTASI INDONESIA: Pemikiran, konsep & strategi pribadi berprestasi 2020 oleh Daliso Rudinato, SH & Co. Law Office
– Profil Tokoh & Profesional 2011 atas nama Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Sc. dari Fakultas Kehutanan UGM dalam buku INDONESIA KINI & MASA DEPAN: Pemikiran, Konsep & Strategi Pribadi Berprestasi Oleh Pusat Profil dan Biografi INDONESIA, dengan sponsor utama Double Dynamic Network
– Indonesian Creativity Awards 2012 for category The Best Creative Educator atas nama Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Sc. dari KP4 UGM oleh free Magazine IndONEsian Inspire, Jakarta
– Satya Lancana Karya Satya XX from President of Republic Indonesia. 2012
– RCE Recognition Award 2014. RCE Yogyakarta: Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System. Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Ssustainable Development-United Nations University. 7 November 2014
– Second Prize Writing Competition Award. Mongabay Indonesia. December 2014