CV Prof Cahyono Agus 2016

Name                                : Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, Prof. Dr. Ir. M.Agr.Sc.

Place and date of birth       : Jogjakarta, 10 March 1965

NIP / NIDN                        : 19650310 199010 1 001 /  0010036504

Sex                                   : Male

Religion                             : Islam

Occupation                        : Lecturer, Guru Besar / Professor

Office address                   : Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University

Bulaksumur, Jogjakarta 55281

Telp./Fax : 62-0274-545639



Residence                         : Jl. Golo Gg Wora-wari 10 Jogjakarta 55161

Telp.           : 62-0274-381069, 081-5688-8041


Major/specialization         :  Integrated Farming, Forest-Soil Science, Soil Fertility and Fertilizer, Site Productivity Management

Language                          : Indonesian, English & Japanese


Education & Training:

1984 – 1989    Ir. in Soil Science. Faculty of Agriculture, GMU Jogjakarta

1991               Short Course in Research Methodology. Research Center of GMU Jogjakarta.

1991               Short Course in Forest Biotechnology. IUC Biotech. GMU Jogjakarta.

1992 – 1993    Japanese language Course, International Student Institute, Tokyo

1993 – 1995    Master of Agricultural Science in Forest Ecological Management/ Silviculture, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Tokyo. Title: “Study on Biogeochemical Cycles of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Northern Limit Region”.

  • Short Course in Ex-situ conservation of Dipterocarps forest. ITTO Project PD16. Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University. Jogjakarta.

1999 – 2000    Research Student. Lab. of Forest Ecological Management/Silviculture, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

2000- 2003     Doctor of Philosophy in Forest & Wood Science, Lab. of Forest Ecological Management, Forest & Wood Science Course, Eco-region Study Program, Department. of Environment & Resource Science. Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences. Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Tokyo, Japan. Title: Sustainable site productivity and nutrient management of short rotation plantation of Gmelina arborea Roxb. plantation forest at tropical region.

2005               Workshop and refreshment for Candidate of Reviewer for Accreditation of Scientific Journal. Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education. Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta

2005               Workshop Scientific Writing for International Journal Publication. Research Center UGM. Jogjakarta. 21-24 June 2005.

2005               Workshop for candidate of reviewer for Institutional Development by competition based program (PHK). Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education. Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta

2005               Workshop Prerecurement for Project Implementation Unit of Competitive grant from Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education. Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta

2009 – 2010    Program Academic Recharging (Post Doctoral Program) in Kyoto University. Supported by Ministry of National Education RI.

2013               Training “Pengenalan Manajemen Laboratorium Berbasis ISO 17025:2005” in LPPT UGM, dated 8 Juli 2013

2014               Training “Ketidakpastian Pengukuran ISO 17025:2005”, in LPPT UGM, 20-21 Januari 2014.

2014               Training “ Penyusunan Dokumen ISO 17025:2005”, in LPPT UGM, 22-24 Januari 2014.

2014               Training“Validasi Metode Iso 17025:2005”, in LPPT UGM,13-14 Februari 2014.




  • The Best Student Award on Graduation Ceremony period of August 1989, in Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta
  • The Best Presenter on National seminar of Science & Technology application for people by Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education, RI. Bogor, October 7-11, 1996
  • Scholarship to study in Japan (1993-1995) from Okazaki Foundation, Japan
  • Scholarship to study in Japan (1999-2003) form JBIC (Japan Bank for International Cooperation)-UGM
  • Fellowship to study in Japan (1999) from JSPS (The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) -DGHE (the Directorate General of Higher Education)
  • Fellowship to study in Japan (1999) from IDB (Islamic Development Bank)
  • 2nd prize Award on All Japan Thesis Contest 2003 by JICA-Monkabusho Japan
  • UGM Award 2008 in Best Field Advisor for KKN PPM UGM (Student Community Services- Community Empowering Learning).
  • Tokoh Profil Pendidik 2011 atas nama Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Sc. dari Fakultas Kehutanan UGM dalam Buku CITRA PRESTASI INDONESIA: Pemikiran, konsep & strategi pribadi berprestasi 2020 oleh Daliso Rudinato, SH & Co. Law Office
  • Profil Tokoh & Profesional 2011 atas nama Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Sc. dari Fakultas Kehutanan UGM dalam buku Indonesia Kini & Masa Depan: Pemikiran, Konsep & Strategi Pribadi Berprestasi Oleh Pusat Profil dan Biografi INDONESIA, dengan sponsor utama Double Dynamic Network
  • Indonesian Creativity Awards 2012 for category The Best Creative Educator atas nama Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Sc. dari KP4 UGM oleh free Magazine IndONEsian Inspire, Jakarta
  • Satya Lancana Karya Satya XX from President of Republic Indonesia. 2012
  • RCE Recognition Award 2014. RCE Yogyakarta: Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System. Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development-United Nations University. 7 November 2014
  • Second Prize Writing Competition Award. Mongabay Indonesia. December 2014



1990 – present   : Lecturer, Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jogjakarta

2002 – 2007      : Member of Editorial committee of Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science, published by IASA (Indonesian Agricultural Science Association).

2004 – now       : Member of Academic Senate, Faculty of Forestry UGM, Jogjakarta.

2004 – 2009      : Member of Internal Quality Assurance of Academic (Auditor) , GMU, Jogjakarta

2004 – 2005      : Member of Internal Monitoring and Evaluation (Monevin), UGM Jogjakarta for Competition Based Project from Higher Education (SP4, PHK-A1, A2, A3, B, QUE, DUE-like etc)

2004 – 2008      : Member of Editorial committee of Journal of Plantation Forest (Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman), published by Center of Research and Development for Biotechnology and Plantation Forest Seed (P3BPTH), Dept of Forestry RI.

2004 – 2007      : Executive Director of Competitive Grant Program (PHK) A-3 from Directorate General of Higher Education for Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, UGM Jogjakarta

2005 – 2007      : Reviewer for Accreditation of Scientific Journal under Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education. Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta

2005 – 2007      : Secretary of Research Cluster of Agricultural Sciences. Research Center, UGM, Jogjakarta

2005                 : External Independent Examiner, School of Graduate Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

2005 – 2008      :Head of Department of Agricultural Plant,  KP4 University Farm UGM, Jogjakarta.

2005  –  2007    : Team Leader of Task force Team on Competitive Grant Program (SP4)  from Directorate General of Higher Education for KP4 UGM Jogjakarta

2005 –2015       : Reviewer for on Performance based activities and Competitive Grant Program under Directorate General of Higher Education, Department of National Education. Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta

2006                 : Member of Commission for Institutional Development through Competitive Grant UGM, Jogjakarta

2006                 : Reviewer of Journal of Plantation Forest, Department of Forestry

2007                 : Executive Director, Presidential Scholar Fund (PSF) UGM,

2007                 : Executive Director, Early Recovery Assistance (ERA) Program of Disaster Area in Trimulyo, Jetis Bantul. Collaborative Program KP4 UGM- UNDP (United Nation Development Program) and Bappenas

2007-2008        : Executive Director, Yogyakarta-Central Java Community Assistance Program for livelihood in Trimulyo, Jetis, Bantul. Collaborative program KP4 UGM and Australian-Indonesia Partnership (AIP)

2007- 2008       : Project Manager of sub-program of Indonesian managing Higher Education for Relevancy and Efficiency (I-MHERE) in KP4 UGM. Supporting by World Bank and Directorate General Higher Education Depdiknas

2007-2008        : Program Manager of Program Development of Science in KP4 UGM. 2007-2008. Supported by Directorate General Higher Education of Depdiknas.

2008-2015        : Director of KP4 (University Farm) UGM Yogyakarta

2008 – 2012      : Reviewer of Program of Student Community Services. Supported by Directorate General Higher Eduaction of Depdiknas.

2009-2013        : Executive Director, Indonesian Managing Higher Education for Relevancy and Efficiency (I_MHERE B2c) UGM Yogyakarta. Supporting by World Bank and Directorate General Higher Education Depdiknas

2012 – 2014      : Reviewer of Academy of Community, Supported by by Directorate General Higher Eduaction of Depdikbud.

2012 – Now      : Reviewer Tim Reaksi Publikasi Jurnal Penelitian Hutan Tanaman pada Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Badan Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Inovasi Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan RI.

2013 – 2014      : Reviewer of Scholarship Grant, Endorsement Fund (LPDP) Kemenkeu

2014 – now       : Head of Non Government Organization of Green Network Indonesia (GNI) Chapter DI Jogja-Jateng.

2015 – Now        : Reviewer Tim Reaksi Publikasi Jurnal Penelitian Hutan dan Konservasi Alam pada Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hutan, Badan Penelitian, Pengembangan dan Inovasi Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan RI.

2013 – now       : Professor in Forest Soil Science, Faculty of Forestry UGM Yogyakarta, Indonesia


International/Regional seminars:

– Symposium on Reforestation of Alang-alang Grassland Areas. Jogjakarta, 26-27 February 1991. Supported by ATA-267 and GMU

– IUFRO International Symposium on Growth and Yield of Tropical Forests. Tokyo, September 26 – October 1, 1994. Supported by IUFRO Division IV-Japan Soc. of Forest Planning-The International Soc. of Tropical Foresters, Inc.- Tokyo Univ. of Agr. & Tech.

– International Congress on Soils of Tropical Forest Ecosystems. 3rd Conference on Forest Soils (ISSS-AISS-IBG). Balikpapan, October 29 – November 3, 1995. Supported by ISSS-AISS-IBG-GTZ-CIFOR

– Ecology and Reforestation of Dipterocarp Forest. Jogjakarta, 24 -25 January 1996. Supported by Faculty of Forestry GMU, Indonesia and KEEC, Japan.

–  Regional Workshop on Domestication of Agroforestry Trees. Jogjakarta, 4-7 November 1997. Supported by ICRAF-ACIAR-GMU.

– Seminar on Ecological Approach for Sustainability and Productivity of Dipterocarp Forests. Jogjakarta, 7-8 July 1998. Supported by Faculty of Forestry GMU and KEEC, Japan.

  • Workshop on Water, Nutrient, and Light Capture in Agroforestry systems: process research and integrative models. Bogor, 20-22 July 1999. Supported by ICRAF-Unbraw-IC SEA.
  • 111th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. Kanagawa, 1-3 April 2000. Supported by Japanese Forestry Society.
  • Seminar on Forest Biomass. Jogjakarta  13 November 2000. Supported by GMU and JIFPRO (Japan International Forest Promotion and Research Organization)
  • 5th Symposium on Agriculture Science and Biochemical Engineering. Tokyo, 11 March 2001. Supported by IASA (Indonesian Agricultural Science Association) and of Tokyo.
  • 112th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. Gifu University, Gifu, 2-5 April 2001. Supported by Japanese Forestry Society.
  • Seminar on Dipterocarp reforestation to restore environment through carbon sequestration. Jogjakarta 26-27 September 2001. Supported by Faculty of Forestry GMU – Kansai Electric Power Company – Kansai Environment Engineering Center.
  • 10th International workshop of BIO-REFOR-Sustainable forest management system and biodiversity. Tokyo 7-8 October 2001. Supported By BIO-REFOR-IUFRO.
  • 6th Symposium on Agriculture Science and Biochemical Engineering. Tsukuba, 9 March 2002. Supported by IASA (Indonesian Agricultural Science Association) and Tsukuba Univ.
  • 113th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. Niigata University, Niigata, 3-5 April 2002. Supported by Japanese Forestry Society.
  • SEANAFE Resource Mobilization Workshop, 15-17 October, 2003 and 3rd General Meeting 18 October, 2003, Bangkok. Southeast Asian Network for Agroforestry Education.
  • 2003 International Conference on Tropical Forests and Climate Change: Carbon Sequestration and Clean Development Mechanism. Manila, Phillipines, 21-22 October 2003.
  • International seminar on “Toward harmonization between development and environmental conservation in biological production” Banten, December 3-5, 2004. JSPS-DGHE Core University Program in Applied Biosciences.
  • 2nd workshop on demonstration study on carbon fixing forest management in Indonesia. Bogor, 11 January 2005. FORDA (Forestry Research & Development Agency) & JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).
  • International seminar on “Synergistic approach to appropriate forestry technology for sustaining rainforest ecosystems” IUFRO-UPM Serawak, Malaysia. 7-9 March 2005.
  • International Seminar of the 2nd InSECT (Indonesian Society of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology) & InJECT. Jogjakarta. April 26-27, 2005.
  • International seminar and General meeting of SEANAFE and INAFE (Indonesian Networking for Agro-Forestry Education). Jogjakarta, 7-8 February 2006.
  • International Conference of Adapting Forest Management to Maintain the Environmental Services: Carbon Sequestration, Biodiversity and Water. Finish Forest Institute. Koli National Park, Finland 21-24 September 2009.
  • International conference on Multipurpose Forest Management. BIOREFOR. Niigata, Japan, September 2009
  • The 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. 30 May – 1 June 2010. Hong Kong.
  • International Seminar of Renewable Energy 2010. 27 June – 3 July 2010. Yokohama. Japan. Submitted for International Journal Japan Institute of Energy
  • Workshop on Tropical Wetland Ecosystems of Indonesia:  Science Needs to Address Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, by CIFOR and USFS in collaboration with the Indonesian Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA) being held on 11-14 April 2011 in Bali, Indonesia.
  • The 17th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference “Moving Toward a Sustainable Future: Opportunities and Challenges.”, hosted by the Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA. May 8 to 10, 2011.
  • The International Conference of Rhizosphere 3. Hosted by University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. 24-29 September 2011.
  • Conference “Carbon in a Changing World” ( Hosted by FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. 24 to 26 October 2011
  • 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. 24–26 June 2012. Univ of Hull, Hull, UK.
  • International Seminar of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering.       August 4-5, 2012. Dubai. UEA.
  • “Towards a Global Carbon Observing System: Progresses and Challenges” 1-2 October 2013, Geneva dan Task CL-02 Working Meeting “Global Carbon Observations and Analysis” Geneva, 3-4 October 2013
  • 2013 IEEE GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (GHTC). San Jose, California USA October 20 – 23, 2013
  • International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (, 7-8 May 2014, at Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, 17 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris – France.
  • The Grand Renewable Energy 2014 (GRE2014) International Conference, 27 July – 1 August, 2014 at Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan.
  • International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Resesearchers III-2015, 21-22 October 2015
  • International Seminar on Humanitarian Technology 2016 Science, Systems and Global Impact. 7 – 9 June 2016,  Cambridge-Boston MA USA.
  • 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, 11-15 July 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.


Professional Societies:

Indonesian Soil Science Society (1989-now)

Indonesian Peat Society (1987- now)

Indonesian Forester Society (1992- now)

Japanese Forestry Society (1993-1995, 1999-2003)

The Ecological Society of Japan (1995 – 1999)

Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (1995-1999)

The Japanese Society of Tropical Ecology (2001-2003)

Indonesian Agricultural Sciences Association (2002-now)

Agricultural Research Cluster-LPPM UGM (2005-now)

Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological& Environmental Engineering Society (APCBEES- a senior member).

Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) (2013 – )

Geo-Carbon (2010- now)




– Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1990 Interrelationship between Several Soil Properties and The Growth of Paraserianthes falcataria, Nielsen Provenance. Final report. Fac. of Forestry & ATA 267. Jogjakarta. 172 pp.

– Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1990 Interrelationship between Several Soil Properties and The Growth of Acacia mangium, Willd Provenance. Final report. Fac. of Forestry & ATA 267. Jogjakarta. 176 pp.

– Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1990 Interrelationship between Several Soil Properties and The Growth of 5 Species of Acacia. Final Report. Fac. of Forestry & ATA 267. Jogjakarta. 168 pp.

– Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1990. The Effect of Several Soil Properties on The Different Performance of  Paraserianthes falcataria, Nielsen Stand. Technical Report. Fac. of Forestry & ATA 267. Jogjakarta. 50 pp.

– Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1990. The Effect of Several Soil Properties on The Different Performance of  Acacia mangium, Willd Stand. Technical Report. Fac. of Forestry & ATA 267. Jogjakarta. 48 pp.

– Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1990. The Effect of Several Soil Properties on The Growth of Provenance Trial of Acacia mangium Willd.. Technical Report. Fac. of Forestry & ATA 267. Jogjakarta. 39 pp.

– Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1990. The Effect of Mechanized Activity on Several Soil Properties to Grow the Acacia mangium, Willd Stand. Technical Report. Fac. of Forestry & ATA 267. Jogjakarta. 49 pp.

– Bale, A. and Agus, C. 1990. The Effect of Phosphorus  Status on The Growth of Acacia mangium, Willd Provenace Test Stand. OPF Research Fund. Fac. of Forestry, GMU. Jogjakarta. 21 pp.

– Bale, A. and Agus, C. 1990. The Effect of Phosphorus  Status on The Growth of Paraserianthes falcataria, Nielsen Provenance Test Stand. OPF Research Fund. Fac. of Forestry, GMU. Jogjakarta. 19 pp.

– Agus, C. 1991. The Effect of TSP and Compost Fertilizer on The Growth of Eucalyptus in Vertisol Soil of Petak 14 of Wanagama I. DPP Research Fund. Fac. of Forestry, GMU. Yogyakarrta. 27 pp.

– Agus, C. 1995. Study on Biogeochemical Cycles of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Northern Limit Region. M.Sc. thesis. Tokyo Univ. of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo. 244 pp.

  • Agus, C. 1995. Biomass and nutrient amounts of Matebashii (Pasania edulis) and Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata Sieboldi) forests. M.Sc. research. Tokyo University of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo.
  • Agus, C. 1995. Decomposition rates of leaf litter of Matebashii (Pasania edulis) and Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata Sieboldi) forests by litterbag methods. M.Sc. research. Tokyo University of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo.
  • Agus, C. 1995. Characteristics of nitrogen mineralization of soil under Matebashii (Pasania edulis) and Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata Sieboldi) forests by using simple kinetics model. M.Sc. research. Tokyo University of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo.
  • Agus, C. 1995. Movement of nutrient elements through forest soil under Matebashii (Pasania edulis) and Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata Sieboldi) forests by IER (Ion Exchangeble Resin) method. M.Sc. research. Tokyo University of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo.
  • Agus, C. 1995. Forest soil respiration under Matebashii (Pasania edulis) and Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata Sieboldi) forests by alkali absorbtion method. M.Sc. research. Tokyo University of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo.
  • Agus, C. 1995. Effects of Relative Light Intensity on Photosynthesis and transpiration rates Matebashii (Pasania edulis) and Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata Sieboldi) seedlings by gas analyzing method. M.Sc. research. Tokyo University of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo.

– Agus, C. 1995. The Dynamics of Carbon and Nitrogen on Acacia Forest Floor. DPP Research Fund. Fac. of  Forestry. GMU. Jogjakarta. 30 pp.

– Agus, C.,Suhardi and Faridah, E. 1996. The Using of Rice Mill Waste for Fertilizer, Charcoal and Brickette. Voucher Project 1995/1996. Ditjen DPPM. Jakarta.

  • Agus, C. 1996. Budget and Dynamics of Nutrient on Overburned Tropical Rain-forest. JICA-Unmul Project Fund. of Mulawarman. Samarinda.
  • Hardiwinoto, S.; Agus, C. and Agus, A. 1997. Biodiversity of soil macrofauna in several land use ecosystem. Joint research of CIFOR-ICRAF-GMU-Unpad-IPB.
  • Takamura, Astana, Buce, Agus, C. and Rahayu, S. 1997. Field Research of the Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Tropical Forest Plantation. Scientific report. Organized by CIFOR.
  • Agus, C. 1998/1999. Utilization of forest litter of Acacia mangium for alternative sources for seedling medium. M.A. 5250 Project. Gadjah Mada University Research Centre.
  • Nai’em, M.; Suhardi, Supriyo, H.; Hardiwinoto, S.; Agus, C.; Karyanto, O.; Faridah,E. and Rahayu, S. 1998/2001. Strategy for improvement of productivity and sustainability of Gmelina arborea by long-term breeding and low input intensive silviculture. BPPT-UGM-PT Surya Hutani Jaya. Riset Unggulan Kemitraan (RUK)-IV research.
  • Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1998/1999-2000/2001. Carbon stock and decomposition rate of organic matter in forest soil. Joint research between KEEC-UGM phase II.
  • Agus, C. 1999/2000-2002/2003.Sustanable site productivity and nutrient management of short rotation plantation of Gmelina arborea plantation forest at tropical region. Dissertation research at Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology. Tokyo Japan.
  • Hardiwinoto, S., Agus, C., Adriyanti, D.T. and Nurjanto, H.N. 2003-2005. Estimation of biomass and carbon sequestration in some potential land-uses for forest carbon project in Bungo-Tebo Area, Jam Joint research Fac. Of Forestry GMU-JICA.
  • Agus, C., Supriyo, H. and Prehaten, D. 2004. Soil chemical properties of rehabilitation land in BOSF research site, East Kalimantan. Supported by The Balikpapan Orang-utan Survival Foundation (BOSF).
  • Agus, C. and Bale, A. 2005. Characteristics of soil quality and site-growth manipulation in after Tsunami hazard Banda Aceh. Competitive Grand Program (PHK) A-3 Department of Silvicultur, Faculty of Forestry UGM.. Jogjakarta.
  • Agus, C. et al. 2005/2006. Food Security and Safety. Agricultural Research Cluster-LPPM UGM, Jogjakarta
  • Agus et al. 2006. The effect of land-use change and soil quality of Entisol in KP4 UGM. UGM Jogjakarta
  • Agus, C., A. Bale, S. Hartono. 2007-2008. Land Rehabilitation in after Tsunami hazard area of Banda Aceh. Competitive Research Grant, Directorate Geberal Higher Education, Depdikbud.
  • Agus, C. 2009-2010. Soil Organic management for sustainable productivity. Competency Research Grant, Directorate Geberal Higher Education, Depdikbud.
  • Agus,C. 2009. Carbon emission in non-forestry sector. RUSNAS Competitive Research Grant, Directorate General Higher Education, Depdikbud.
  • Agus, C., Sunarminto, B.H., and Suhartanto, B. 2009-2011. Integrated farming based Agribusiness. KP4 UGM Research grant
  • Sunarminto, B.H., Agus, C., Setiawan, I. 2010. Trapping methane for energy in peat soils. RUSNAS UGM research grant.
  • Agus, 2013-2015. Kontribusi pemapanan ekosistem lahan bekas tambang batubara dalam peningkatan kapasitas penyerapan karbon dan produktivitas lahan tropika. Hibah Strategis Nasional. Dirjen Dikti, Kemendikbud
  • Agus, 2013. Pengembangan GAMA-DEC. Hibah Riset Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi. UGM dan Dirjen Dikti, Kemendikbud
  • Agus, 2013. Pengembangan GAMA-ORGANIK NPK. Hibah Riset Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi. UGM dan Dirjen Dikti, Kemendikbud
  • Agus, 2013. Pengembangan GAMA-BIOENERGY. Hibah Riset Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi. UGM dan Dirjen Dikti,
  • Agus, 2013-2014. Rehabilitasi lahan pasca erupsi Merapi. Hibah Riset Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi. UGM dan Dirjen Dikti, Kemendikbud
  • Agus, 2014-2016. Peningkatan Produktivitas Sistem Pertanian Terpadu Berbasis Siklus Bahan Organik Untuk Mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan Sehat dan Energi Terbarukan.  Hibah Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi. UGM dan Dirjen Dikti, Kemendikbud
  • Agus, 2016. Pertumbuhan Semai Pongamia pinnata (L) Pierre pada Berbagai Jenis Tanah Marginal dengan Aplikasi Beberapa Jenis Pot Organik. Penelitian Damas Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta


Hak Kekayaan Intelektual:

  1. Hak Cipta Buku “Pengelolaan bahan Organik: Peran dalam Kehidupan dan Lingkungan”, berdasarkan Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan Kemenkum RI tanggal 27 Juni 2014 nomer pendaftaran 068731 atas nama Kebun Pendidikan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (KP4) UGM untuk hasil ciptaan Prof. Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Agr.Sc. dkk.
  2. Hak Cipta Buku “Gama Pertanian Terpadu”  berdasarkan Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan Kemenkum RI tanggal 27 Juni 2014 nomer pendaftaran 068730 atas nama Kebun Pendidikan, Pneleitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (KP4) UGM untuk hasil ciptaan Prof. Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Agr.Sc. dkk.
  3. Hak Cipta Buku “Pertanian Terpadu  untuk Mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan” berdasarkan Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan Kemenkum RI tanggal 27 Juni 2014 nomer pendaftaran 068729 atas nama Kebun Pendidikan, Pneleitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (KP4) UGM untuk hasil ciptaan Prof. Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Agr.Sc. dkk.
  4. Hak Cipta Buku “Tanaman Langka Indonesia di KP4 UGM” berdasarkan Surat Pendaftaran Ciptaan Kemenkum RI tanggal 27 Juni 2014 nomer pendaftaran 068732 atas nama Kebun Pendidikan, Pneleitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (KP4) UGM untuk hasil ciptaan Prof. Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Agr.Sc. dkk.
  5. Permohonan paten sederhana dengan Nomor: S00201300192 atas nama Prof. Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Sc., judul invensi : GAMA POT ORGANIK, tanggal pengajuan: 29 Agustus 2013 berdasarkan surat Kemenkumham RI no HKI-3-HI.05.02.01.S00201300192-TA.



  1. Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1991. The Change of Soil Fertility on the Conversion of Grassland Areas to Paraserianthes falcataria (L). Presented paper on Symposium on Reforestation of Alang-alang Grassland Areas. Jogjakarta, 26-27 February 1991. Sponsored by ATA-267 and GMU. (In English).
  2. Bale, A. and Agus, C. Effects of Converting Alang-alang Areas to Acacia mangium Wild Stand on Soil Fertility. Presented paper on Symposium on Reforestation of Alang-alang Grassland Areas. Jogjakarta, 26-27 February 1991. Sponsored by ATA-267 and GMU. (In English).
  3. Agus, C., Haibara, K., Aiba,Y., Fuse,T. and Tomitani,K. 1994. Biomass and Nutrient Amounts of Matebashi (Pasania edulis) Stand in Northern Limit Region. Presented paper at the 105th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society at Tokyo Univ. of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo, April 4-6th 1994 (In Japanese).
  4. Fuse, T. Agus, C., Haibara, K., and Tomitani, K. 1994. Biomass and Nutrient Amounts of Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata var. Siboldie) Stand in Northern Limit Region. Presented Paper at The 105th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society at Tokyo of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo, April 4-6th 1994 (In Japanese).
  5. Abe, T., Toda, H., Agus, C., Haibara, K. and Aiba,Y. 1994. Soil Respiration and Nitrogen Mineralization of Matebashi (Pasania edulis) and Sudajii (Castanopsis cuspidata var. Sieboldie) Stand in Northern Limit Region. Presented Paper at the 105th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society at Tokyo of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo, April 4-6th 1994 (In Japanese).
  6. Danarto, S., Agus, C., Hardiwinoto, S. and Senawi (eds). 1995. Proceeding of Oneday Seminar of HPH-Patungan in Jogjakarta, 17 July 1995. Published by Faculty of Forestry GMU. Jogjakarta. 254 pp (In Indonesian).
  7. Haibara, K. Agus, C. and Fuse, D. 1995. Material cycles of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern limit region. Research of nutrient movement in soil-plant system. IGBP-MESC H6-3: 107-122. (In Japanese).
  8. Agus, C., Suhardi and Faridah,E. 1996. The Using of Rice Mill Waste for Fertilizer, Charcoal and Brickette. Proceeding of Seminar of Voucher & Technology Application. Ditjen DPPM. Jakarta. Cisarua, October 7 – 11, 1996 (In Indonesian)
  9. Agus, C. 1997. Soil Respiration on Acacia mangium Forest Forestry Buletin 32:23 –35 (In Indonesia with abstract in English)
  10. Agus, C. Haibara, K. Fuse, D. and Toda, H. 1998. Studies on biogeochemical cycles of evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern limit region in Japan. In Haibara, K. (Ed). 1998. The effect of temperature change to materials cycles of evergreen broad-leaved forest. Final report of 1995-1998 Research activities. Tokyo of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo. P: 1-67. (In English).
  11. Haibara, K., Agus, C. and Fuse, D. 1998. Studies about nutrient movement in soil-vegetation system. In Haibara, K. (Ed). 1998. The effect of temperature change to materials cycles of evergreen broad-leaved forest. Final report of 1995-1998 Research activities. Tokyo of Agr. & Tech. Tokyo. P: 68-84 (In Japanese)
  12. Agus, C., Supriyo, A. Bale, K. Haibara and Y. Aiba 1998. Potency of N-mineralization of 2 kinds of forest soil. Forestry Bulletin 37:10-19 (In Indonesia with abstract in English)
  13. Agus, C., H. Supriyo, A. Bale, K. Haibara and Y. Aiba. 1999. The effect of stand ages and global warming on carbon dynamics in forests ecosystems. In Sabarnurdin, S., Suhardi and Y. Okimori (eds). 1999. Ecological Approach for Sustainability and Productivity of Dipterocarp Forests. Faculty of Forestry GMU press. Jogjakarta. 45-52. (In English).
  14. Hardiwinoto, S., Agus, C., Sewandana, Supriyo, H., and Na’iem M. 2000. Litter productivity and decomposition in several stands of Gmelina arborea. In. Hardiyanto, E. (Ed). 2000. Proceeding of Seminar on Indonesian Silviculture status 1999. Faculty of Forestry Press. Jogjakarta. P:100-104. (In Indonesian with abstract in English)
  15. Agus, C., Hartana, Supriyo, H. Na’iem,M. Sipayung,M. and Wardana, W. 2000. Natural potency of N-mineralization on top soil of Gmelina arborea plantation forest soil. In. Hardiyanto, E. (Ed). 2000. Proceeding of Seminar on Indonesian Silviculture status 1999. Faculty of Forestry Press. Jogjakarta. P:105-110. (In Indonesian with abstract in English)
  16. Agus, C., Lestari, P., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M. and Wardana, W. 2000. Land productivity classification and site quality of Gmelina arborea plantation forest in Typic Hapludults soil type. In. Hardiyanto, E. (Ed). 2000. Proceeding of Seminar on Indonesian Silviculture status 1999. Faculty of Forestry Press. Jogjakarta. P:256-260. (In Indonesian with abstract in English)
  17. Agus, C., Sumardi, Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M. and Wardana, W. 2000. The plant growth rates and nutrient requirement of Gmelina arborea plantation forest. In. Hardiyanto, E. (Ed). 2000. Proceeding of Seminar on Indonesian Silviculture status 1999. Faculty of Forestry Press. Jogjakarta. P:261-268. (In Indonesian with abstract in English).
  18. Karyanto, O., Agus, C., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M. and Wardana, W. 2000. The prospect of legume cover crop as a soil amendment. In. Hardiyanto, E. (Ed). 2000. Proceeding of Seminar on Indonesian Silviculture status 1999. Faculty of Forestry Press. Jogjakarta. P:269-274. (In Indonesian with abstract in English).
  19. Agus, C., Karyanto, Hardiwinoto, S., Haibara, K. and Toda, H. 2000. Biomass in fast growing species of tropical Gmelina arborea plantation forest. 111th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society, Nihon University, Tokyo. pp.: 557-558. (In English)
  20. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M., Wardana, W., Haibara,K. and Toda, H. 2000. Biomass of carbon and nutrient stock in Gmelina arborea plantation forest. Proceeding of Seminar on Forest Biomass. GMU and JIFPRO. Jogjakarta (In English).
  21. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M., Wardana, W., Haibara,K. and Toda, H. 2001. Site index and biomass of Gmelina arborea plantation forest in tropical region. Proceeding of Seminar on Forest Biomass. GMU and JIFPRO. Jogjakarta (In English).
  22. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M., Wardana, W., Haibara,K. and Toda, H. 2001. Biomass production and carbon stock in short rotation plantation forest of Gmelina arborea in tropical region. Proceeding of 5th Symposium on Agriculture Science and Biochemical Engineering. IASA and Univ. of Tokyo. Tokyo (In English).
  23. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M., Wardana, W., Haibara,K. and Toda, H. 2001. Nutrient circulation characteristics with different site index for fast growing species of Gmelina arborea plantation forest in tropical region. Transaction of 112th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. Gifu. P.: 611-612 (In English).
  24. Kita, S., Agus, C., Toda, H. and Haibara,K. 2001. Study on land degradation in tropical short rotation plantation forest-soil microorganism and N-fixation by legume cover crop. Transaction of 112th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry society. Gifu.  : 499-500 (In Japanese).
  25. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Na’iem, M.,   Kita, S., Haibara, K., Toda, H., Wardana, W. amd Sipayung, M. 2001. Nett Primary Production and Nutrient Absorption in Fast Growing Species of Gmelina arborea at Tropical Plantation Forest. Presented paper at Seminar on Dipterocarp. ITTO-Faculty of Forestry GMU-Inhutani I-II-III-IV-V. (In English)
  26. Agus, C. The change of tropical forest land use and their carbon sink in forest soil. Proceeding Seminar on Dipterocarp reforestation to restore environment through carbon sequestration. Jogjakarta 26-27 September 2001. Supported by Faculty of Forestry GMU – Kansai Electric Power Company – Kansai Environment Engineering Center. (In English)
  27. Agus,C. The characteristics of soil N-mineralization in fast growing species of Gmelina arborea Roxb. plantation forest at tropical region. 10th International workshop of BIO-REFOR-Sustainable forest management system and biodiversity. Tokyo 7-8 October 2001. Supported By BIO-REFOR-IUFRO. (In English)
  28. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Na’iem, M. Sipayung,M., Wardana, W., Haibara,K. and Toda, H. 2001. Biomass production and carbon stock in short rotation plantation forest of Gmelina arborea in tropical region. Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS) 1(1): 11-16. ISSN: 1345-9635. IASA and Green Digital Press (In English). Also available online in
  29. C. 2001. Net primary production and nutrient absorption of fast growing Gmelina arborea Roxb. (yemane) at tropical plantation forest. Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (IJAS) 1(2): 46-52. ISSN: 1345-9635. IASA and Green Digital Press (In English). Also available online in
  30. Agus, C. 2002. Site productivity and soil characteristics in Short Rotation Plantation Forests of Gmelina arborea at Tropical Region. Proceeding of 6th Symposium on Agriculture Science and Biochemical Engineering. Tsukuba University, 9 March 2002. IASA and Tsukuba University. Tsukuba. pp. 52-62. (In English).
  31. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Haibara, K., Kita, S. and Toda, H. 2002. Legume cover crop as a soil amendment in short rotation plantation of tropical forest. Transaction of 113th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. 3-5 April 2002. Niigata University, Niigata.  : 477-478  (In English).
  32. Kita, S. Agus, C., Haibara, K. and Toda, H. 2002. The study on soil carbon & nitrogen characteristics in tropical fast growing Gmelina arborea plantation forest. Transaction of 113th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. 3-5 April 2002. Niigata University, Niigata.  P.: 474 (In Japanese).
  33. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Supriyo, H., Na’iem, M., Sipayung, M., and Wardana, W. The use of legume cover crop as a nutrient supplier and soil amendment. Forestry Bulletin 50: 11-22.  (In Indonesian with English abstract).
  34. Agus, C. 2002. Production and consumption of carbon by fast growing species of Gmelina arborea at tropical plantation forest. In. Sabarnurdin, M.S., Hardiwinoto, S., Rimbananto, A. and Okimori, Y. (eds). Proceedings of the Seminar on Dipterocarp reforestation to restore environment through carbon sequestration. Faculty of Forestry GMU – Kansai Electric Power Company – Kansai Environment Engineering Center. Jogjakarta. Pp.: 187-196 (In English).
  35. Widodo, M.A., Agus, C. and Bale, A. 2002. Carbon stock in several land use in tropical region. In. Sabarnurdin, M.S., Hardiwinoto, S., Rimbananto, A. and Okimori, Y. (eds). Proceedings of the Seminar on Dipterocarp reforestation to restore environment through carbon sequestration. Faculty of Forestry GMU – Kansai Electric Power Company – Kansai Environment Engineering Center. Jogjakarta. Pp.: 133-141  (In English).
  36. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Haibara, K., Kita, S. and Toda, H. 2003. Legume cover crop as a soil amendment in short rotation plantation of tropical forest. J. For. Env. 45(1): 13-19.


  1. Agus, C. Sustainable site productivity and nutrient management of short rotation plantation of Gmelina arborea Roxb. plantation forest at tropical region. P.hD. Dissertation. Tokyo University of Agr. & Tech., Tokyo, Japan
  2. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Kita, S., Haibara, K., Toda, H., Hardiwinoto, S., Supriyo, H., Na’iem, M., Wardana, W., Sipayung, M., Khomsatun and Wijoyo, S. 2003. Sustainable site productivity and nutrient management in a short rotation Gmelina arborea plantation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In. Dvorak, W.S., Hodge, G.R., Woodbridge, W.C. and Romero, J.L. (Eds). 2003. Recent advance with Gmelina arborea. CD-ROM. CAMCORE, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NCCU. 10 pp.
  3. Kita, S., Agus, C., Toda, H. and Haibara, K. 2003. Nitrogen dynamics in tropical forest soil system in East Kalimantan. Transaction of 114th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. 28-29 March 2003. Iwate University, Iwate.  :   143   (In Japanese).
  4. Arai, S., Agus, C., Toda, H. and Haibara, K. 2003. Line-planting of Dipterocarpaceae in East Kalimantan. Transaction of 114th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society. 28-29 March 2003. Iwate University, Iwate.  :  133    (In Japanese).
  5. Agus, C. 2003. Peran hutan tropika pada kompetisi fungsi tanah dan adsorbsi karbon dalam pembangunan bersih berkelanjutan. Paper dipresentasikan dalam Lokakarya Nasional Menuju Pengelolaan sumberdaya Wilayah Berbasis Ekosistem Untuk Mereduksi Potensi Konflik Antar Daerah. Fakultas Geografi UGM. Hotel Natour Garuda, Jogjakarta, 30 Agustus 2003. pp.:
  6. Agus, C. 2003. Tropical forest land-use changes and their potency of soil properties for sustainable agro-complex activities. Presented paper on International Conference on Redesigning Sustainable Development on Food and Agriculture System for Developing Countries. Jogjakarta, September 17-18, 2003. 12 pp.
  7. Agus, C. Carbon Sequestration in Fast Growing Plantation Forest in Indonesia. Presented paper on 2003 International Conference on Tropical Forests and Climate Change: Carbon Sequestration and Clean Development Mechanism.  Manila, Philippines, 21-22 October 2003. 9 pp.
  8. Agus, C. 2004. The biomass of legume cover crops and their capacity of N2-fixation for sustainable forest management in a short rotation plantation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In. Masumori, M., Nakashizuka, T., Suhardi, and Suzuki, K. 2004. Proceedings of the International Workshop of BIO-REFOR, Ecological Approach for Productivity and Sustainability of Forests. Jogjakarta, Indonesia. December 15-18, 2003. pp.: 114-116.
  9. Agus, C. 2004. Effect of land-use changes and their forestland degradation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In. Masumori, M., Nakashizuka, T., Suhardi, and Suzuki, K. 2004. Proceedings of the International Workshop of BIO-REFOR, Ecological Approach for Productivity and Sustainability of Forests. Jogjakarta, Indonesia. December 15-18, 2003. pp.: 136-139.
  10. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Kita, S., Haibara, K., Toda, H., Hardiwinoto, S., Supriyo, H., Na’iem, M., Wardana, W., Sipayung, M., Khomsatun and Wijoyo, S. 2004. Sustainable site productivity and nutrient management in a short rotation Gmelina arborea plantation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. New Forest 28: 277-285 (http://www.kluweronline/issn/0169-4286).
  11. Agus, C. and Prehaten, D. 2004. The capacity of N2 fixation by legume cover crops for sustainable forest management in a short rotation plantation in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proceedings of International seminar on “Toward harmonization between development and environmental conservation in biological production” Banten, December 3-5, 2004. JSPS-DGHE Core University Program in Applied Biosciences. Pp.:
  12. Agus, C., Hardiwinoto, S., Thojib, A., Adriyanti, D.T., Nurjanto,H.H. and Kato, T. 2005. Estimation of biomass and soil carbon in Bungo-Tebo area, Jambi – Carbon stocked in soil-. Proceeding of the 2nd workshop on demonstration study on carbon fixing forest management in Indonesia. Bogor, 11 January 2005. FORDA (Forestry Research & Development Agency) & JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Pp.: 61-80.
  13. Hardiwinoto, S., Agus, C., Adriyanti, D.T. and Nurjanto, H.N. 2005. Estimation of biomass and carbon sequestration in some potential land-uses for forest carbon project in Bungo-Tebo Area, Jambi – Estimation of biomass-. Proceeding of the 2nd workshop on demonstration study on carbon fixing forest management in Indonesia. Bogor, 11 January 2005. FORDA (Forestry Research & Development Agency) & JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency). Pp.: 42-60.
  14. Agus, C. Site productivity of Gmelina arborea plantation forest in tropical region. Proceeding of International Forestry Seminar on “Synergistic approach to appropriate forestry technology for sustaining rainforest ecosystems” 7-9 March 2005. IUFRO-UPM Serawak, Malaysia. Pp: 195-206
  15. Agus, C. 2005. Biogeochemical cycling in short rotation plantation forest in tropical region. InJECT (Indonesian Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology) 4 (1): 26-33.
  16. Kita, S., Agus, C., Toda, H. and Haibara, K. 2005. Effects of Cutting and Regeneration on Microbial Activity of Natural Forest in East Kalimantan. J. Jpn. For. Soc. 87: 217-224.


  1. Agus, C. 2006. Integrated Farming System In ATRDC (Agricultural Training, Research And Development Centre) UGM. Proceeding of International seminar INAFE. Jogjakarta Pp: 54-67.
  2. Wulandari, D. Nurjanto, H.N. Adriyanti, D.T and Agus, C., .2006. The abundance of vesicular mycorrhiza isolated from an ex-Gold minin, Muara Tebo, Jambi. In Ipor, I.B., C.S. Tawan, P. Bulan, I. Jusoh, B.A. Fasihuddin and Meekion. 2007. Proceeding of Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics: Development and commercialitation of tropical natural resources. Kuching, Malaysia. ISBN: 983-9257-46-3. ;131-134 .
  3. Agus, C., Hartono, S. and Bale, A. 2006. The effect of Tsunami Hazard in Banda Aceh Indonesia on the site condition for land rehabilitation and reforestation. In Ipor, I.B., C.S. Tawan, P. Bulan, I. Jusoh, B.A. Fasihuddin and Meekion. 2007. Proceeding of Conference on Natural Resources in the Tropics: Development and commercialitation of tropical natural resources. Kuching, Malaysia. ;351-354
  4. Agus, C. Integrated Bio-cycles farming system. Keynote speaker on Seminar on Research cluster of UGM. Jogjakarta, 27 November 2006. In. Jumina and D. Parikesit. 2007. Kemajuan Terkini Riset Universitas Gadjah Mada. LPPM UGM. Jogjakarta. Pp:57-64 (In Indonesian and English)
  5. Agus, C. , A. Bale, Wulandari, D., Harsono, S. And B. Setiaji. 2007. Manipulasi lingkungan tempat tumbuh sebagai upaya terpadu pengembangan teknologi rehabilitasi lahan pasca-tsunami di Banda Aceh: Pengaruh Bahan organik terhadap kualitas media dan pertumbuhan Cemara Udang. In. Radjagukguk, B., Kertonegoro, B.D., Shidieq, D., Sunarminto, B.H., Wardoyo, S.S., Nurcholis, M., Purwanto, B.H., Yuwono, N,W. And partoyo. 2007. Prosiding Kongres Nasional IX Himpunan Ilmu Tanah Indonesia (HITI), Solusi miskelola tanah dan air untuk memaksimalkan kesejahteraan rakyat. UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Press. Pp: 594-607. (In Indonesian)
  6. Agus, C. 2008. Penggunaan pupuk organik dan mikorisa dalam pertumbuhan cemara udang pada media tanah tercemarkan tsunami. Prosiding seminar nasional silvikultur II. Fakultas Kehutanan UGM. Yogyakarta.
  7. Kita, S., Agus, C., Toda, H. and Haibara, K. 2008. Effect of short-rotation harvesting on soil microbial biomass and nitrogen mineralization in Gmelina arborea plantations in East Kalimantan. TROPICS 17(3): 251-259 (
  8. Agus, C. 2009. Agribisnis berbasis pertanian terpadu. Proseding Seminar Nasional Membangun Agribisnis untuk menggerakkan perekonomian Nasional yang kuat dan berdaulat. MMA Faperta UGM, Yogyakarta.2 Mei.
  9. Agus, C. 2009. The role of C-organic matter in tropical and temperate forest on the global carbon-environmental services. Presenting paper on international conference of Adapting Forest Management to Maintain the Environmental Services: Carbon Sequestration, Biodiversity and Water. Finish Forest Institute. Koli National Park, Finland 21-24 September 2009.
  10. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Wulandari, D., Arissetyawati, G. and Haibara, K. 2009. Nutrient dynamics of tropical short rotation plantation forest in a global climate change era. Presented paper on IUFRO International conference on Multipurpose Forest Management, September 20-25, 2009, Niigata, Japan.
  11. Agus, C. 2010. Organic matter management in UGM University Farm for sustainable food, feed, fiber and fertilizer. Proceeding Seminar on The 16th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. 30 May – 1 June 2010. Hong Kong.
  12. Agus, C. 2010. Development of multi-function and sustainable integrated farming system for food, feed, fuel and fertilizer. Proceeding Seminar on International Seminar of Renewable Energy 2010. 27 June – 3 July 2010. Yokohama. Japan. Submitted for International Journal Japan Institute of Energy
  13. Agus, C., Sunarminto., H., Pertiwiningrum, A., Pranowo, H, D., Setiawan, I., and D Pudjowadi. 2011. The Management of Methane’s Emission from Tropical Wetland Area for Environmental Conservation and Renewable Energy.  Presented Paper on Workshop on Tropical Wetland Ecosystems of Indonesia:  Science Needs to Address Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, by CIFOR and USFS in collaboration with the Indonesian Forestry Research and Development Agency (FORDA) being held on 11-14 April 2011 in Bali, Indonesia.
  14. Agus, C, Sunarminto, B.H., Suhartanto, B., Pertiwiningrum, A., Setiawan, I. and D Pudjowadi. 2011. INTEGRATED FARMING FOR SUSTAINABLE LIFE AND ENVIRONMENT. The 17th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference “Moving Toward a Sustainable Future: Opportunities and Challenges.”, hosted by the Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA. May 8 to 10, 2011.
  15. Agus, C., Sunarminto., H., Pertiwiningrum, A., Pranowo, H, D., Setiawan, I., and D Pudjowadi. 2011. Utilization of Methane’s Emission from Tropical Wetland Areas for Renewable Energy.  Presented Paper on International Conference Rhizosphere 3, University of Western Australia, 25-29 September 2011.
  16. Agus, C., Hardiwinoto, S., Supriyo, H., Na’iem, M., Karyanto, O., Sunarminto, B.H. and K. Haibara. 2011. The Role of Carbon Cycle in Tropical and Temperate Forested Ecosystem on Global Carbon Change. Conference “Carbon in a Changing World” ( Hosted by FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. 24 to 26 October 2011
  17. Agus, C. Sunarminto, B.H., Suhartanto, B., Pertiwiningrum, A., Setiawan, I. Wiratni and Pudjowadi, D. 2011. Integrated Bio-cycles Farming Ssystem for production of Bio-gas through GAMA DIGESTER, GAMA PURIFICATION AND GAMA COMPRESSING. Journal of Japan Institute of Energy 90 (11) : 1086-1090.

  1. Agus, C., Hardiwinoto, S., Supriyo, H. and K. Haibara. 2012. In. Hardiyanto,E.B., Solberg, S. and Osaki, M. (eds). Proceedings of International Conference on New Perspectives of Tropical Forest Rehabilitation for Better Forest Functions and Management. Yogyakarta 17-19th October 2011.
  2. Agus, C., Sunarminto, BH., Suhartanto, B., Pertiwiningrum, A., Daryono, BD., Rachmawati, D., and E. Semiarti, E., 2012. Development of site and genetic improvement in integrated bio-cycles farming system for sustainable development. Presented paper on 18th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. 24–26 June 2012. Univ of Hull, Hull, UK.
  3. Agus, C., Karyanto, O., Hardiwinoto, S., Supriyo, H. and K. Haibara. 2012. The Potency of Legumes Cover Crops as Soil Amelioration for Integrated Ecosystem Management in Tropical Short Rotation Plantation Forest Area. International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering vol 41: 145-150. (ISSN: 2010-4018).
  4. Agus, C and D. Wulandari. 2012. The Abundance of Pioneer Vegetation and Their Interaction with Endomycorrhiza at Different Land Qualities after Merapi Eruption. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 18(3): 145-154.


  1. Agus, C. 2013. Management of Tropical Bio-geo-resources through Integrated Bio-Cycles Farming System for Sustainable Ecosystem and Life. Presented paper on 6th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS. PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92253 USA. Hosted by SOCIETY FOR VECTOR ECOLOGY. USA, SEPTEMBER 22-27, 2013.
  2. Agus, C. 2013. CARBON DYNAMICS IN THE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL REHABILITATION ON THE POST OPEN MINING OF COAL IN TROPICAL REGION. Presented paper on “Towards a Global Carbon Observing System: Progresses and Challenges” 1-2 October 2013, Geneva dan Task CL-02 Working Meeting “Global Carbon Observations and Analysis” Geneva, 3-4 October 2013
  3. Agus, C. 2013. Management of Tropical Bio-geo-resources through Integrated Bio-Cycle Farming System for Healthy Food and Renewable Energy Soverignty: Sustainable Food, Feed, Fiber, Fertilizer, Energy, Pharmacy for marginalized communities in Indonesia. Presented paper on 2013 IEEE GLOBAL HUMANITARIAN TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE (GHTC). San Jose, California USA October 20 – 23, 2013
  4. Agus, C., Pradipa, E., Wulandari, D., Supriyo, H., Saridi, Herika, dan Herika, D. 2014. Peran Revegetasi Terhadap Restorasi Tanah Pada Lahan Rehabilitasi Tambang Batubara di Daerah Tropika (The Role of Revegetation on the Soil Restoration in Rehabilitation Areas of Tropical Coal Mining). MANUSIA DAN LINGKUNGAN 21 (1): 95-105. (
  5. Agus, C. Wibowo, N.A. and B. Sasongko. 2014. Integrated Bio-Cycle Farming System for Sustainable Livelihood and Environment: Sources of Sustainable Food, Feed, Fiber, Fertilizer, Bio-pharma, Water, Energy, Oxygen. Proceeding of International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy (, 7-8 May 2014, at Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, 17 Boulevard Jourdan, 75014 Paris – France.
  6. Agus, C., Sari, E., Wibowo, N.A., Sasongko, A.B., Wulandari,D. and H H. Nurjanto. 2014. ORGANIC WASTE IN INTEGRATED FARMING AS A SOURCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY of GAMA BIO-HYDROGEN by BACTERIA of Enterobacter aerogenes. Presenting paper at The Grand Renewable Energy 2014 (GRE2014) International Conference,  27 July – 1 August, 2014 at Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan.
  7. Wulandari, D and Agus, C. 2014. Efficieny of different arbuscular mycorrhiza in promoting growth of Albizia saman in coal mine spoil: a prospect in restoring mined tropical forest, Indonesia. International Scientific Journal. Journal of Environmental Science. No 3. : 165-171.
  8. Agus, C. Faridah, E.; Wulandari, D. dan B. H. Purwanto. 2014. Peran Mikrobia Starter dalam Dekomposisi Kotoran Ternak dan Perbaikan Kualitas Pupuk Kandang. J. MANUSIA DAN LINGKUNGAN, Vol. 21, No.2, Juli 2014: 179-187.


  1. C. 2014. Telaah kritis RUU Konservasi Tanah dan Air. Paper Nara sumber Tenaga Ahli pada Jaring Pendapat RUU Konservasi Tanah dan Air dengan Komisi IV DPR RI, di Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta, 18 September 2014
  2. C. 2014. Desain dan Pola Pengelolaan Sistem Pertanian Bio-siklus Dalam Mendukung Kemandirian Pangan dan Energi. Paper utama dalam Seminar Nasional Hari Pangan Sedunia (HPS) XXXIV tahun 2014, 4 Nopember 2014, Makasar
  3. Agus, C. 2014. Bumi Biru: Membangun Lingkungan dan Kehidupan Bermartabat. Narasumber FGD Bumi Biru. Yogyakarta. 20 Nopember 2014
  4. Agus, C. 2014. Pertanaman pada Infrastruktur: Membangun Lingkungan dan Kehidupan Bermartabat. Nara sumber utama Seminar Nasional Eco-infrastructure Festival. Yogyakarta. 23 Nopember 2014
  5. Agus, C.; Agus, A.; dan B. Suhartanto. 2015. Sistem Pertanian Siklus-Bio Terpadu Untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Ternak Sapi pada Kelompok Ternak Desa Margoagung, Sayegan, Sleman. Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat UGM volume 1, nomer 1: 80-88.
  6. Agus, C. 2015. Pembahas RPPI 3 Peningkatan Produktivitas Hutan. Nara sumber Rapat Koordinasi Rencana Penelitian dan Pengembangan Integratif (RPPI) 2015-2019. Puslitbang Hutan. Bogor, 23-24 Oktober 2015
  7. Agus, C. 2015. Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System for Green Prosperity. International Conference of Indonesia Forestry Resesearchers III-2015, 21-22 October 2015
  8. Agus, C. Silvikultur Terpadu Berbasis Siklus-hayati untuk Lingkungan dan Kehidupan yang Bermartabat dan Berkelanjutan. Seminar Nasional Silvikultur III,19-20 Agustus 2015, Bogor, Indonesia
  9. Agus, C. Putra, P.B.; Faridah, E.; Wulandari, D., and RP Napitupulu. 2015. The Dynamics of Carbon Stock in Rehabilitation areas of Coal Open-Mining at Tropical Region. ISERD – International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS) Prague, Czech Republic November 10,2015.
  10. Agus, C. 2016. Pengelolaan Lahan Gambut dalam Pencegahan Kebakaran Hutan. Nara sumber dalam diskusi public “Cegah kebakaran Hutan & Lahan: Peran Pemerintah, Akdemisi dan Masyarakat” di Fakultas Geografi UGM Yogyakarta tanggal 16 maret 2016 oleh Aliansi Hijau BEM Fakultas Geografi UGM, LEM Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, BEM Fakultas Biologi UGM dan BEM KM UGM Yogyakarta.
  11. Agus, C. 2016. Penerapan Sistem Pertanian Terpadu dalam Program ESD di masyarakat. Narasumber sarasehan Education for Sustanable Development (ESD) dan UGM Peduli Masyarakat Sekitar Kampus Untuk Mendukung Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. PIAT UGM Yogyakarta, 29 Maret 2016.
  12. Agus, C. 2016. Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Berbasis Budaya Unggulan Lokal. Diseminasi Kajian Perda DIY no 4 Tahun 2011 Tentang Tata Nilai Budaya Yogyakarta, Kamis 21 April 2016 Oleh Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan DIY, sertifikat no 27/0438
  13. Agus, C. 2016. Renainsans Taman Siswa Untuk Pendidikan karakter Bangsa. Workshop Kebangsaan Gebyar Hardiknas 2016 kerjasama PP PKBTS dengan Kementrian Pendidian dan Kebudayaan RI dan majelis Luhur Persatuan Taman Siswa, Sabtu, 4 Juni 2016 berdasar undangan no 30/PPPKBTS/V/16
  14. Agus C., Putra PB, Faridah E., Wulandari, D. and RNP Napitupulu. 2016. Organic Carbon Stock and Their Dynamics in Rehabilitation Ecosystem Areas of Post Open Coal Mining at Tropical Region. International Seminar on Humanitarian Technology 2016 Science, Systems and Global Impact. 7 – 9 June 2016, Cambridge-Boston MA USA.
  15. Pertiwiningrum,, Agus, C., Supriyadi, Supriyatna, Agus, A., Fahmi A., and P Napitupulu. 2016. Development of Masterplan and Initial Program for Food Security in Papua Region, Indonesia. International Seminar on Humanitarian Technology 2016 Science, Systems and Global Impact. 7 – 9 June 2016,  Cambridge-Boston MA USA.
  16. Agus C., Putra PB, Faridah E., Wulandari, D. and RNP Napitupulu. 2016. The Role of Re-vegetation on Carbon Cycles Management on the Rehabilitation of Open-Coal Mining Area at Tropical Region. 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, 11-15 July2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
  17. Pertiwiningrum,, Agus, C., Supriyadi, Supriyatna, Agus, A., Fahmi A., and P Napitupulu. 2016. Development of Food Security Through Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System in Manokwari, Papua, Indonesia. 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, 11-15 July 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.
  18. Agus, C. 2016. Perjuangan dan Kunci Sukses dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam. Narasumber Orientasi Studi Pengenalan Lingkungan Mahasiswa baru (OSPELMAB) 2016. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta, 30 Agustus 2016.
  19. Agus, C. 2016 Biophysiochemical Approach through Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System to Improve Land Productivity of Degraded Land. Keynote speaker in National Seminar on Land Restoration for Sustainable Land Productivity, SEAMEO BIOTROP, Bogor, 26-27 September 2016.
  20. Agus C., Putra PB, Faridah E., Wulandari, D. and RNP Napitupulu. 2016. Organic Carbon Stock and Their Dynamics in Rehabilitation Ecosystem Areas of Post Open Coal Mining at Tropical Region. Procedia Engineering 00 (2016) (Accepted-in printing)
  21. Pertiwiningrum, A, Agus, C; Supriadi, Fahmi, A., Napitupulu, RP, Soeherman, Y., and M. F. Habibi. 2016. Development of Food Security through Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System in Manokwari, Papua, Indonesia. IJARGE Int. J. of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (Submitted)
  22. Agus, C. Sari, E., Wibowo, N.E., Sasongko, A.B., Nurjanto, H.N., and D. Wulandari.. 2015. Organic Waste in Integrated Farming as a Source of Renewable Energy of Gama Bio-hydrogen by Bacteria Enterobacter aerogenes. International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 7, Issue *, 2016, pp.****-**** (submitted).
  23. Agus C., Putra PB, Faridah E., Wulandari, D. and RNP Napitupulu. 2016. The Role of Re-vegetation on Carbon Cycles Management on the Rehabilitation of Open-Coal Mining Area at Tropical Region. Sustainable Development (submitted)


Scientific Popular Books

  1. Agus, C. 2010. Agribisnis berbasis pertanian terpadu. Dalam Sunarminto, B.H. (ed). Pertanian Terpadu untuk mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan Nasional. Penerbit BPFE dan KP4 UGM Yogyakarta. hal 109-127.
  2. Agus, C. 2012. Pengelolaan Bahan Organik: Peran dalam Kehidupan dan Lingkungan. KP4 dan BPFE UGM Press. Yogyakarta. 230 pp.
  3. Agus, C. 2013. Tanaman Langka Indonesia di KP4 UGM. Gadjah Mada University Press & KP4 UGM
  4. Agus, C. Sunarminto B.H. and Panjono (eds). 2013. Gama Pertanian Terpadu. KP4 and GamaPress, Yogyakarta.
  5. Agus,C. 2014. Sistem Pertanian Terpadu Berbasis Siklus-Bio Untuk Kemandirian Energi. Dalam Suratman (Ed). Penelitian UGM Dalam Mendukung Kedaulatan Energi Indonesia. UGM Press. Yogyakarta (in press).
  6. Agus, C. 2015. Pengelolaan Bahan Organik: Peran dalam Kehidupan dan Lingkungan (edisi 2). UGM Press. Yogyakarta. 230 pp.
  7. Agus, C, Suratman dan Panjono (eds). 2015. Jagad Biru Rahayu: Lingkungan dan Kehidupan Bermartabat. UGM Press Yogyakarta.
  8. Agus, C. 2015. Revolusi Jagat Biru Rahayu, dalam Agus, C, Suratman dan Panjono (eds). 2015. Jagad Biru Rahayu: Lingkungan dan Kehidupan Bermartabat. UGM Press Yogyakarta.
  9. Agus, C. 2015. Kemandirian Pangan Sehat dan Energi Terbarukan. dalam Agus, C, Suratman dan Panjono (eds). 2015. Jagad Biru Rahayu: Lingkungan dan Kehidupan Bermartabat. UGM Press Yogyakarta.
  10. Agus, C. 2015. Sistem Pertanian Siklus-Bio Terpadu Untuk Mendukung Kedaulatan Pangan Nasional. dalam Astuti, dkk (eds) Penerapan Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (ESD) di UGM. BAB 2-6. Hal. 126-150. UGM Press.
  11. Agus, C. 2015. Memulihkan Tragedi Lingkungan Menuju Jagat Biru Rahayu. dalam Astuti, dkk (eds) Penerapan Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan (ESD) di UGM jilid 2. UGM Press.


Mass Media/ Popular papers:

  1. Agus, C. 2005. Hujan di musim kemarau (Heavy rain in June). Kedaulatan Rakyat Newspaper. Wednesday, 29 Juni 2005. Page 8.
  2. Agus, C. 2006. Dana Hibah Kompetisi Berbasis Kinerja (Performance based Competitive Grant). Kompas Newspaper. Tuesday, 13 April 2006. Yogyakarta Charter page C.
  3. Agus, C. 2010. Pemanasan Global (Global warming). Analisis. Kedaulatan Rakyat Newspaper. Friday, 23 April 2010. Page 1.
  4. Agus, C. 2010. Dunia Pendidikan Pasca Pembatalan UU BHP. Kompas Newspaper. Saturday 1 May 2010. Kompas Jogja page C.
  5. Agus, C. 2011. Jihad Selamat bumi. Opinion Kedaulatan Rakyat newspaper. Tuesday, 8 December 2011. Halaman 1
  6. Agus, C. 2013: Larangan Impor Buah dan Sayuran (Embargo for Fruit and Vegetables. Columnist Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, 1 Pebruari 2013. Halaman 1
  7. Agus, C. 2014. Bumi Makin Panas Dingin. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, Jumat 17 Januari 2014. Halaman 1
  8. Agus, C. 2014. Air Kehidupan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, 22 Maret 2014. Halaman 1
  9. Agus, C. 2014. Earth Hour. Kolom Opini. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, 29 Maret 2014. Halaman 12
  10. Agus, C. 2014. Impor Pangan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat, 15 April 2014. Halaman 1
  11. Agus, C. 2014. Kerusakan Lingkungan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 5 Juni 2014. Halaman 1
  12. Agus, C. 2014. Darurat Kedaulatan Pangan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 21 Juni 2014. Halaman 1.
  13. Agus, C. 2014. Kabinet Kinerja. Kolom Opini. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 14 Nopember 2014. Halaman 12
  14. Agus, C. 2014. Menabung Air Kehidupan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 17 Nopember 2014. Halaman 1.
  15. Agus, C. 2014. Revolusi Biru. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 29 Nopember 2014. Halaman 1.
  16. Agus, C. 2015. Pangan Masa Depan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 21 Januari 2015. Halaman 1.
  17. Agus, C. 2015. Tragedi Sampah Plastik. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 26 Februari 2015. Halaman 1.
  18. Agus, C. 2015. Tragedi Air Kemasan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 20 Maret 2015. Halaman 1.
  19. Agus, C. 2015. Jagad Biru Rahayu. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 19 April Halaman 1.
  20. Agus, C. 2015. Tragedi Pangan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 19 Mei Halaman 1.
  21. Agus, C. 2015. Tragedi Lingkungan. Kolom Analisis. Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat. 5 Juni Halaman 1.
  22. Agus, C. 2015. TRAGEDI AIR KEHIDUPAN. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Senin Pahing, 31 Agustus 2015. Halaman 1.
  23. Agus, C. 2015. JAGAD RAHAYU YOGYA ISTIMEWA. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Rabu Wage, 7 Oktober 2015. Halaman 1.
  24. Agus, C. 2015. TRAGEDI PARU-PARU DUNIA. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Rabu pon, 21 Oktober 2015. Halaman 1.
  25. Agus, C. 2015. REVOLUSI DESA. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Sabtu Pon, 28 Nopember 2015. Halaman 1.
  26. Agus, C. 2015. TANGGUH PANGAN. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Senin, 28 Desember 2015. Halaman 1.
  1. Agus, C. 2016. DARURAT LINGKUNGAN. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Senin,  22 Februari 2016. Halaman 1.
  1. Agus, C. 2016. KETANGGUHAN PANGAN. UGM Corner. Koran SINDO. 17 Februari 2016.
  2. Agus, C. 2016. PEDULI SAMPAH. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Senin, 22 Februari 2016. Halaman 1.
  3. Agus, C. 2016. PEDULI LINGKUNGAN. Analisis Harian Kedaulatan Rakyat Hari Senin, 21 Maret 2016. Halaman 1.
  4. Agus, C. 2016. RESTORASI PENDIDIKAN. Wacana Harian Bernas. Selasa, 3 Mei 2016. Halaman 4.
  5. Agus, C. 2016. PENDIDIKAN GENERASI EMAS. Wacana Harian Bernas, Selasa 10 Mei 2016. Halaman 4.
  6. Agus, C. 2016. Sekolah Unggulan untuk generasi Emas. Akses 16 September 2016



  1. Entertainment:
  1. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production : Ndoro Putri
  2. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Makluk Manis di sepeda Onthel
  3. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Pergi untuk Kerja, Pulang untuk Cinta
  4. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: All I Want for Christmas is You
  5. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Gudeg Istimewa untuk Calon Bini
  6. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Cinta Sutinah anak Pak Kades
  7. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Ikan Asin Pembawa Cinta
  8. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Cinta Pawang Hujan dan Ojek Payung
  9. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Makelar Loak Memburu Cinta
  10. Film TV SCTV, Screenplay Production: Cintaku Hanya Satu Itu Untukmu
  11. Series Rinso Global TV : Laskar Ikan Cupang
  12. Tutorial “Wardah”
  13. Widescreen National Film : “Soekarno”
  14. Widescreen National Film: “Siti”
  15. Widescreen National Film “Ayat-ayat Adinda”
  16. Film dokumenter: “Thohir”
  17. Short Film “Religius”
  18. Ketoprak UGM “Gajah Mada” 2014
  19. Ketoprak Nyutro Budoyo “Aryo Penangsang” 2015
  20. Ketoprak Nyutro Budoyo “Panyutro” 2016
  21. Ketoprak UGM “Minakjnggo Nagih Janji” 2016
  22. Widescreen National Film “Murid 5”
  23. Film “Kartini”


Consultance and Community services:

– As Soil Scientist on Short-term Soil Consultants in Mechanized Nursery and Plantation Project in South Kalimantan. Cooperation between Fac. of Forestry GMU & ATA-267. 1989/1990.

– As Soil Scientist on Study on the growth of Lopophetalum multinervum in Inhutani I. Cooperation between Fac.of Forestry GMU & Inhutani I. 1990/1991

– As Soil Scientist on Study of KPHP in Inhutani I area. Cooperation between Fac. of Forestry GMU & Inhutani I. 1995/1996

– As Soil Scientist on Feasibility Study of HTI in PT Inhutani IV ex HPH Horrizon Forest. Cooperation between Fac. of Forestry GMU & Inhutani V. 1996/1997.

– As Soil Scientist on Feasibility Study of Forest Management in PT Trisetia Intra Caraka in Maluku.. Cooperation between Fac. of Forestry GMU & Inhutani I. 1996/1997.

– As Soil Scientist on Rehabilitation of Protection Forest in Komoro Hills, Tim-Tim. Supported by Directorate General of Reforestation and Land Rehabilitation. Ministry of Forestry RI. 1997

– As Soil Scientist on Rehabilitation of DAS Kambaneroe & North Beach of Dilli. Supported by Directorate General of Reforestation and Land Rehabilitation. Ministry of Forestry RI. 1997/1998

  • As Soil Scientist/Ecologist on Developing Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Management of Plantation Forest. Supported by CIFOR & PT HPHTI Musi Hutan Persada. 1997.
  • As coordinator of soil scientist on Pembangunan Model Unit Manajemen Hutan Meranti (Development of Unit Management Model for Meranti) in 5 locations (East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, West Sumatra and South Sumatra). Supported by Ministry of Forestry RI and Faculty of Forestry, GMU. 2003
  • As Vice Coordinator and Soil Scientist on Estimation of biomass and carbon sequestration in some potential land-uses for forest carbon project in Bungo-Tebo Area, Jambi. Supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Faculty of Forestry, GMU. 2003-2005.
  • As coordinator of evaluator on seedling supplying for National action for forest and land rehabilitation (GN-RHL) in Kulon Progo and Gunung Kidul District, DIY. Supported by Ministry of Forestry RI and Faculty of Forestry, GMU. 2003
  • As Team Leader of Soil mapping for land rehabilitation in BOS research areas, East Kalimantan. Balikpapan Orangutan Survival Foundation. 2004.
  • As Team Leader of Student Community Services (KKN) for Environmental education and Land Rehabilitation in Kec. Moyudan dan Minggir, Sleman. Supported by DUE-like UGM 2004.
  • As coordinator on planting evaluation for National action for forest and land rehabilitation (GN-RHL) in Perhutani KPH Kendal, Central Java. Supported by Ministry of Forestry RI and Faculty of Forestry, GMU. 2004
  • As coordinator of evaluator on seedling supplying for National action for forest and land rehabilitation (GN-RHL) in Wonosobo, Central of Java. Supported by Ministry of Forestry RI and Faculty of Forestry, GMU. 2004
  • As consultant of planting technique on Pembangunan Model Unit Manajemen Hutan Meranti (Development of Unit Management Model for Meranti) in 5 locations (East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, West Sumatra and South Sumatra). Supported by Faculty of Forestry GMU, Ministry of Forestry RI and Faculty of Forestry, GMU. 2003-2005.
  • As Soil Scientist Trees Bank (Bank Pohon) in Sindoro & Sumbing volcanoes, District of Temanggung. Supported by KLH (Ministry of Environment) and RAPP (Riau Adalan Pulp & Paper). 2004-2005.
  • As Soil Scientist and Field Supervisor in Prospective Teak Program in 8 District of Perhutani. Supported Faculty of Forestry GMU and Perum Perhutani. 2004-2006.
  • As Silviculturist and Soil Scientist in Management Program of DAS Serang. Supported by Ministry of Public Work RI. 2006.
  • As Team Leader of Jogja-Jateng Earthquake Early Recovery Assistant (ERA) UNDP (United nation Development Program)-Bappenas-UGM. 2007
  • As Team leader of sub-program of Indonesian managing Higher Education for Relevancy and Efficiency (I-MHERE) component B2b in KP4 UGM. Supporting by World Bank and Directorate General Higher Education Depdiknas
  • As Soil Scientist in Pembangunan Model Unit Manajemen Hutan Meranti (Development of Unit Management Model for Meranti) in West Kalimantan. Supported by Faculty of Forestry GMU, Ministry of Forestry RI and Faculty of Forestry,
  • As Indonesian participants.. GLOBAL CHANGE AD ECOSYSTEMS: LUPIS Project, Land use policies and sustainable development in developing countries. European Union, 2007-2009
  • As Team Leader of Yogyakarta-Central Java Community Assitance program (YCAP) of livelihood in Trimulyo, Jetis, Bantul. Collaborative program KP4 UGM and Australia-Indonesia partnership. 2007-2008
  • As Team Leader of Program Development of Science in KP4 UGM. 2007-2008. Supported by Directorate General Higher Eduaction of Depdiknas.
  • As Forest Scientist of audit of Situ Gintung Disaster, on behalf of Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan RI and Faculty of Technology, UGM, 2009
  • As Executive Director, Indonesian managing Higher Education for Relevancy and Efficiency (I-MHERE) component B2.c in UGM. Supporting by World Bank and Directorate General Higher Education Depdiknas. 2009-2013.
  • As Contact Person, MEMORANDUM OF Understanding between SEAMEO Regional Centre for Tropical Biology and Universitas Gadjah Mada Number 617/MOU/V/2015
  • As Coordinator and Contact Person, Concept note of Programme on Sustainable Food Systems (SFSP) of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN). 2015
  • As Coordinator and Contact Person, Concept note of Development of Green Education Program through Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System (IBFS) in Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN)-The Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme. 2015
  • As Coordinator and Contact Person, Konsep Proyek diajukan kepada Hibah Pengetahuan Hijau Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia) berjudul: Pengembangan Ssistem Pertanian Siklus-bio Terpadu untuk Kemakmuran Hijau yang Bermartabat dan Berkelanjutan di Daerah Terabaikan. 2015
  • As Coordinator and Contact Person, Kertas konsep untuk Program Hibah Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Berbasis Masyarakat diajukan kepada Hibah Pengetahuan Hijau Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia (MCA-Indonesia), berjudul: Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Unggulan Lokal Berbasis Masyarakat Melalui Sistem Pertanian Siklus-Bio Terpadu Menuju Kawasan Tangguh Pangan Sehat dan Energi Terbarukan. 2015
  • As Coordinator and Contact Person, proposal for Michigan State University Global Center for Food Systems Innovation (GCFSI) 2014/2015 Food Systems Innovation Grants, entitle: Development of Integrated Bio-cycles Farming System for Sustainable Green Welfare in Marginalized Region of Gunung Kidul District, DIY Indonesia. 2015.
  • As Coordinator and Contact Person, SEARCA Seed Fund for Strategic Research and Training (SFRT) Program, entitled “Green Education Program through Development of Agri-bussiness of Healthy Herbal Beverage for Marginalized Urban City Communities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2015.
  • As source person. El Nino and impact for agriculture activities. Jogja TV, 14 Agustus 2015
  • As Source Person, Forest and Peat Fire. RRI Nusantara II Yogyakarta. September 2015
  • As expert, Pokja Tangguh Pangan, Kemendes PDTT, 2015, 2016
  • As a partner Programme on Sustainable Food Systems of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP). United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).