Analisis: TRAGEDI PANGAN Oleh: Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus

Analisis: TRAGEDI PANGAN Oleh: Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus

Heboh “beras plastik” telah mengundang keprihatinan berbagai pihak. Dari uji laboratorium PT Sucofindo, terbukti mengandung senyawa mirip spektrum PVC (poly vinyl chlorida). Selain itu, juga mengandung senyawa kimia benzyl butyl phtalate (BBT), bis 2-ethylhexyl phtalate (DEHP) dan diisononyl phtalate (DNIP)….

Awards Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus

Awards Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus

AWARDS: – The Best Student on Graduation Ceremony period of August 1989, in Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta – The Best Presenter on National seminar of Science & Technology application for people by Directorate General of Higher Education,…

Seminar Internasional Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus, sd 2014

Seminar Internasional Prof. Dr. Cahyono Agus, sd 2014

International/Regional seminars: – Symposium on Reforestation of Alang-alang Grassland Areas. Jogjakarta, 26-27 February 1991. Supported by ATA-267 and GMU – IUFRO International Symposium on Growth and Yield of Tropical Forests. Tokyo, September 26 – October 1, 1994. Supported by IUFRO…

Publikasi Prof. Dr Cahyono Agus 2014

Publikasi Prof. Dr Cahyono Agus 2014

Publications: 1. Agus, C. and Bale, A. 1991. The Change of Soil Fertility on the Conversion of Grassland Areas to Paraserianthes falcataria (L). Presented paper on Symposium on Reforestation of Alang-alang Grassland Areas. Jogjakarta, 26-27 February 1991. Sponsored by ATA-267…

Publikasi Jurnal Internasional: New Forest 28: 277–285, 2004.  Sustainable site productivity and nutrient management in a short rotation plantation of Gmelina arborea in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. by CAHYONO AGUS

Publikasi Jurnal Internasional: New Forest 28: 277–285, 2004. Sustainable site productivity and nutrient management in a short rotation plantation of Gmelina arborea in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. by CAHYONO AGUS

New Forest 28: 277–285, 2004. # 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Sustainable site productivity and nutrient management in a short rotation plantation of Gmelina arborea in East Kalimantan, Indonesia CAHYONO AGUS1,2,*, OKA KARYANTO1, SATOSHI KITA2, KIKUO HAIBARA2,…